$ 1,500.00
Alma Gonzalez and Kristina Coll on a journey of a lifetime!
A Safe Container for Mamma’s to BE. This space is to nurture other Mamma’s to step into their personal power and create a Thriving journey in Motherhood.
Ready for a deep dive into the genus of YOU? Through uncovering and healing resistance, finding what it is you really REALLY want (what LIGHTS you up) and understanding the spiritual needs behind every want…. You will transform. I hold space in the most sacred way to guide and facilitate you in your process.
You are a soul with immense potential, energy & power when you know how to direct it. When you can direct your energy, you’ll create a different kind of life for yourself – the one that you really want to live!
VENMO investment $55 also accepted at: Kristina Coll
You will receive a Zoom Link for Course upon investment! Please make sure we receive your email address.